Monday, March 12, 2012

Summer Inspiration!

This past weekend I was at the mall with a friend and we looked into American Apparel. I actually don't know why I don't shop there more or at least look there for inspiration, they have really great basic classic pieces!

I tried on a pair of the high waisted pants and I absolutely loved them!! But unfortunately I have short legs and with zippers at the bottom of the pants they would hard to hem. This did make me want to try on a pair of the denim high-waisted shorts though. I really loved these shorts... the color was great and they were comfy though bordering on just a little too short! I was also surprised to find that high waisted shorts were more flattering than I thought they would be on me. This has definitely inspired me to try out one of my vintage shorts patterns! I have never sewn on denim because it's always seem a little scary to try, but I love those shorts enough that I'm willing too! I'm also really wanting a denim skirt too.. so I guess now is the time to start sewing with denim!

Besides that, I'd really like to get at least a sun dress done while on spring break next week also. My new sewing goal is to start making a muslin first before I make the final. This will probably be especially important in the shorts, since I've never made any kind of fitted pants or shorts before!

I'm so excited to get sewing!

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